Friday, October 28, 2011

Not so well done WebQuest

This WebQuest, Just History, has basically every error that you could do.  Right from the title I figured that it was going to be special and I was not disappointed.  The color scheme (blues and greens) is not exactly terrible, nor is it pleasant.
The huge issue is that there is not a single hyperlink in the entire document.  You have to copy and paste the addresses into your toolbar.  The spelling, grammatical and syntax errors are evident right from the start and do not let up.  I even found that once you look at and leave one of the sections, the only way to back up is to use the back arrow, as you can not just click on the sidebar again. 
The directions really do not explain in even a general sense what a student is expected to accomplish and the rubric is all over the place and not even consistent in letter sizes or styles.


  1. John,

    After looking at the same webquest, I found that your assessment of its major components was accurate. It was very difficult to use and the amount of mechanical errors was extreme. Additionally, I found the webquest to be confusing as well. In general, I do not believe that this webquest enhanced learning, therefore it should either be modified or completely thrown out.

  2. Wow, the colors threw me off big time. Too bright I think. I enjoyed how none of the links worked, so even if you tried to gain anything from this you couldn't. What a bad WebQuest.
    -Dan F.

  3. First of the blog title. haha

    Speaking of the far (and Idk if anyone else is noticing this) but a lot of bad WQs are found on quest garden. It could be because its vast number of quests, or what. Just something I've noticed.

  4. John, your assessment is correct, a truly poor web quest. The teacher section was good for a laugh though. Apparently they don't know how to design web quests down in Texas.
